With the excessive use of online transactions and other stuff, scams are also increasing in India. And a new one is already making headlines nowadays. The latest in the books is the brushing scam that is being used by scammers to manipulate reviews of a product and even generate fake sales. This one works in a pretty distinct way as compared to other ones already running in the country.
What is a brushing scam?
Brushing scam is a practice in which scammers tend to send fake products to customers and then post reviews under their names on e-commerce platforms. Digging a little deeper into the whole scenario, it came to light that brushing originates from Chinese e-commerce practices where the sellers increase their product ratings by publishing fake orders and reviews.
In the process, the sellers send random packages to customers of e-commerce websites. After the package is successfully delivered, the scammers write high-rated fake reviews of the product using the name of the recipient on the product page. This provides the particular product more visibility on platforms like AliExpress and Amazon.
In a report published by McAfee, it has been mentioned that the scam is focused on fooling people with the help of sales figures by making them believe that the particular product is high in quality and is in high demand as well. Now, this makes the user buy the product on the website with fake reviews and there is of course no guarantee of the quality as well.
Now, in most of the cases, the people who are getting cheap quality products are at a decent risk as well. The major reason behind the same is that the scammers have their crucial information like personal details, contact numbers, addresses, and whatnot. This information can also be used by the scammers for instances like identity theft.
Now, the best thing you can do to stay from this kind of scam is to keep your e-commerce account protected and even turn on two-factor authentication for the same. Apart from that, if you receive any unsolicited package then straightaway report it to the local authorities and the platform from where it came.